Voyage Non-Fiction: 3 (Y5/P6): Teaching Guide | TheBookSeekers

Voyage Non-Fiction: 3 (Y5/P6): Teaching Guide


No. of pages 48

Published: 2006


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Voyage Non-fiction is a sister programme to Voyage Short Stories. It is a guided reading programme for Y3-Y6/P4-P7 that provides Collections of short non-fiction texts which are specially designed to allow children to learn and practise the skills of effective non-fiction reading. Because the texts are short, they can be easily read in one guided reading session and will motivate lower ability readers and boys. They also help children write their own texts as they mirror the amount they will actually write themselves both in and out of tests. The Teaching Guide for each Year provides comprehensive teaching notes for one guided reading session with each text. The notes will focus on active reading, giving suggestions for activities that children can do which will help them to read and understand the text. For each text type the Teaching Guide will also provide two differentiated photocopiable texts, which are designed for children to practise the skills they have just learned in guided reading. As in Voyage Short Stories, the Teaching Guide for Year 6 will also include an 8-page SATs practice section which contains a new, unseen text together with SATs-style questions and a full mark scheme for teacher use.


. This book is part of a reading scheme, meaning that it is a book aimed at children who are learning to read.

There are 48 pages in this book. This book was published 2006 by Oxford University Press .

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