Artists in Their World: Andy Warhol | TheBookSeekers

Artists in Their World: Andy Warhol

volume 8, Artists in Their World

No. of pages 48

Published: 2006

Great for age 10-14 years

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This new series uncovers the life and times of some of the most important and influential artists of the modern world. Each title focuses on one artist, exploring their life and work in the context of world events. Each book features large reproductions of the artist's work from their first drawing to their final masterpiece. The books also include selected works from other artists and colour and black and white photographs and illustrations which help to bring the artist's world to life.


This is volume 8 in Artists in Their World .

There are 48 pages in this book. This book was published 2006 by Hachette Children's Group .

Linda Bolton: Linda Bolton lectures and teaches on art for both Tate and National Galleries in London as well as the University of Maryland. She has written many books on for children, including the Revolutions in Art series (Belitha/Peter Bedrick). She lives in London.

This book is in the following series:

Artists in Their World

Artists in Their Time

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