Religious Ethics for OCR | TheBookSeekers

Religious Ethics for OCR

Published: 2005


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Written by senior examiners of AS/A2 Religious Ethics options, this book provides support for all aspects of OCR Religious Ethics requirements, including Ethical Theory and Practical Ethics. At the heart of the text is progression, with content which is simple and accessible to begin with but becoming more academic and challenging as the students build towards exam success. It covers every part of the Religious Ethics specification in an order which will facilitate both teaching and learning. It offers practice exam-style questions plus support for students on how to display their knowledge and skills to their best advantage. With "Philosophy of Religion for A Level OCR Edition" and "AS Philosophy of Religion and Religious Ethics for OCR Study Guide" it offers comprehensive support for the AS/A2 Religious Studies specifications.


This book was published 2005 by Oxford University Press .

Libby Ahluwalia is a Senior Examiner, experienced author and former teacher

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