Babar Color Me Puzzle | TheBookSeekers

Babar Color Me Puzzle



Published: 2014


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It's okay to colour the paintings in a Babar Museum of Art colour Me Puzzle from Mudpuppy! Put together the 24 two-sided puzzle pieces to see King Babar and his children, The Old Lady, and Zephir on a visit to Celesteville's new fine art museum. At the moment they are viewing a painting based on Seurat's A Sunday Afternoon on La Grande Jatte starring elephants! Based on the book by Laurent de Bruhnhof. And by the way, Seurat's original-with people instead of elephants-is inthe Art Institute of Chicago.


This book is part of a book series called Babar .

This book was published 2014 by Galison .

Laurent de Brunhoff has been illustrating the Babar books since 1946, after his father, Jean de Brunhoff, illustrated the first seven titles a decade before. Since then, he has created over thirty Babar books.

This book is in the following series:

Jean de Brunhoff's tales of Babar have charmed readers around the world for 80 years. His stories have followed the king of the elephants as he builds a city, founds a family and even meets Father Christmas. Tested by difficult trials - from snakes to fire to runaway prams - he always comes out on top, with the help of patience, determination and, on one memorable occasion, a flight of winged elephants.

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