No. of pages 15
Published: 2014
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Before Morgan, there was Daphne, the girl who asked too many questions and changed everything... This original e-novella set in the world of The Internment Chronicles is a gripping prequel to Perfect Ruin.
In this look back at Daphne, before her subversive paper led to her murder by order of the king, Daphne witnesses her seven-year-old sister Amy having a seizure-like event, a result of injuries sustained when she wandered too close to the Edge.
Government doctors insist these seizures are punishment for Amy's bad behavior, but Daphne disagrees. Obsessed with finding out what lured her sister out there to the Edge to begin with, Daphne leads Judas, her betrothed, a young man with his own secrets, on an expedition near the Edge to reconstruct her sister's fateful event.
But how close is too close?
There are 15 pages in this book. This is a short story book. This book was published 2014 by HarperCollins Publishers .
Lauren Destefano earned her BA in English with a Concentration in Creative Writing from Albertus Magnus College in Connecticut in 2007.