The Story Hour: A Book for the Home and the Kindergarten (Illustrated) | TheBookSeekers

The Story Hour: A Book for the Home and the Kindergarten (Illustrated)


Well-chosen, graphically told stories can be made of distinct educative value in the nursery or kindergarten. They give the child a love of reading, develop in him the germ, at least, of a taste for good literature, and teach him the art of speech.


This book was published 2013 by Lulu. com .

Kate Douglas Wiggin (1856-1923) was a teacher, lecturer, and editor, as well as a writer of novels and short stories for adults and children. Shawn Thomson is a doctoral candidate in English at the University of Kansas. Nora Archibald Smith (1859-1934) was an American children's author of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and sister of Kate Douglas Wiggin. Nora and Kate coauthored and coedited a series of children's books.

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