When young Arthur accompanies his uncle to a tournament to find the new king of Britain, he's in for a surprise...The Hopscotch Adventures series features exciting, page-turning adventures in under 400 words for children developing their reading confidence.
This book features in the following series: Hopscotch Adventures, Hopscotch-Adventures, Tales Of King Arthur .
There are 32 pages in this book. This book was published 2007 by Hachette Children's Group .
Karen Wallace is the author of more than 90 books for children.
This book contains the following story:
The Sword in the Stone
When Merlyn the magician comes to tutor Sir Ector's sons Kay and the Wart, schoolwork suddenly becomes much more fun. After all, who wouldn't enjoy being turned into a fish, or a badger, or a snake? But Merlyn has very particular plans for the Wart.