Graphic Universe: Demeter & Persephone | TheBookSeekers

Graphic Universe: Demeter & Persephone

Graphic Myths and Legends

, ,

No. of pages 48

Published: 2010


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This book features in the following series: Graphic Myths And Legends, Graphic Universe .

There are 48 pages in this book. This is a comic book/graphic novel. This book was published 2010 by Lerner Publishing Group .

Justine and Ron Fontes have written over 500 books for children, including numerous movie tie-in adaptations. Ron has also worked as a cartoonist and an artist for Marvel Comics. Justine Fontes has written numerous film adaptations for children, including "The Cat in the Hat", a Star Wars title and several for Walt Disney. She lives in America. Geoff Waring is Creative Director for women's magazine Glamour, and has in the past worked for Vogue and Elle. This is Geoff's first picture book. He lives in Kent.

This book is in the following series:

Graphic Myths and Legends

Graphic Universe

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