This innovative new series from Candle draws children into the story of Noah through captivating storytelling and interactive fun. The second title in the series, Noah and the Flood encourages children to read the story and make up their own play scenes with the ten character pieces stored in their own storage box.
This book is part of a book series called Read And Play .
This book has been graded for interest at 3-5 years.
There are 10 pages in this book. This book was published 2012 by Lion Hudson Plc .
Juliet David has written many children's stories and Bible activity books. Her other interests include painting, music, and travel to Israel and other Bible lands. This experienced author lives in London with her family.
This book contains the following story:
Noah and the Flood
God sends a flood to rid the earth of evil, but spares Noah, his family and the world's animals. He warns Noah to build an ark and seven days before the deluge instructs him to get them all into the ark for safety. After the flood waters subside the ark comes to rest on the mountains of Ararat. God then instructs Noah and his family, and all the animals to leave the ark and repopulate the world.