No. of pages 32
Published: 2012
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This book is part of a book series called Mr Wolf .
There are 32 pages in this book. This is a picture book. A picture book uses pictures and text to tell the story. The number of words varies from zero ('wordless') to around 1k over 32 pages. Picture books are typically aimed at young readers (age 3-6) but can also be aimed at older children (7+). This book was published 2012 by Egmont UK Ltd (eBooks) .
Jan Fearnley was brought up near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, where she did a degree in graphic design. She has also trained as a teacher. Little Robin Red Vest was her first picture book and it is still extremely popular. Jan lives in New Malden, Surrey. After an early career as a teacher and freelance feature writer for major Scottish newspapers, Julie Bertagna has quickly established a reputation as an author of powerful and original fiction for young people. She lives in Glasgow with her husband and young daughter.
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