This series of Bookworms offers younger readers the chance to enjoy lively and accessible adaptations of the best classic and modern fiction. Each title is highly illustrated to engage the reader in the world of the book and help with specific vocabulary. Accompanying exercises make all these titles suitable for use in class or at home.
This book is part of a book series called Oxford Booksworms, Green .
This book is aimed at children in secondary school. This reading scheme is aimed at ELT learners.
This book was published 1998 by Oxford University Press .
This book contains the following story:
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp
From A Thousand and One Nights comes the tale of Aladdin, an impoverished young lad in a Chinese town. Persuaded by the evil sorcerer Maghreb to retrieve a magic lamp containing a genie, the tale then follows the escapades of Aladdin and Maghreb as they fight to own the lamp and the magic it contains.