Performance Power | TheBookSeekers

Performance Power

Heinemann Plays For 14-16+

No. of pages 256

Published: 2001


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Performance Power resources the short performance element of GCSE Drama and develops the skills and knowledge needed for other parts of the course. This wide-ranging collection includes extracts and short plays from a variety of genres, cultures and traditions.Joss Bennathan is a former head of Drama, OFSTED inspector and a professional theatre director and Associate Director for Arc Theatre. He has selected play extracts to boost students' "performance power"! Extracts last for 15-20 minutes and are ideal for small-group performances. Age 14+


This book is part of a book series called Heinemann Plays For 14-16+ .

There are 256 pages in this book. This book was published 2001 by Pearson Education Limited .

This book has the following chapters: Introduction; Section A: Elements of Drama; A1: Moving; (Physicalisation and Transformation); Gum and Goo by Howard Brenton (1969); Bouncers by John Godber (1983); A2: Breathing; Richard II by William Shakespeare (c. 1595); A3: Speaking; Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas (1954); A4: Connecting; (Empathy); King John by William Shakespeare (c. 1595); Long Day's Journey into Night by Eugene O'Neill (1946); A5: Communicating; (Intentions); Kiss Me Like You Mean It by Chris Chibnall (2001); A6: Interacting; (Status and Distillation); Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare (c. 1600); Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward (1941); My Sister In This House by Wendy Kesselman (1980); Ooh Ah Showab Khan by Clifford Oliver (1997); A7: Beginnings by Ben Jonson (1610); Macbeth by William Shakespeare (c. 1605); And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie (1944); Fool for Love by Sam Shepard (1983); Scapin the Schemer by Moliere (1671); A8: Narrating and Commentating; The Oresteia by Aeschylus (456 BC); Nana by Olwen Wymark (1987) (based on the novel by Emile Zola, 1880); A9: Revealing; (Soliliquy, Aside and Sub-text); The Changeling by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley (1622); Far Away by Caryl Churchill (1999); A10: Building; (Dramatic tension, Dramatic irony, Linear structure, Flashback and Reversal); Rope by Patrick Hamilton (1929); Landscape of the Body by John Guare (1977); The Country Wife by William Wycherley (1676); Softcops by Caryl Churchill (1984); A11: Emoting; (Intensifying/Magnifying); The Colleen Bawn by Dion Boucicault (1860); Execution of Justice by Emily mann (1984); Section B: Performance; B1: An Overview of the Rehearsal Process; B2: Scenes from The Rivals by Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1775)

This book is in the following series:

Heinemann Plays For 14-16+

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