Froggy Goes To The Library | TheBookSeekers

Froggy Goes To The Library


No. of pages 32

Published: 2017

Great for age 3-5 years

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Froggy loves the library in this twenty-fifth book in the Froggy series!

When Froggy and Mom and Pollywogilina set out for the library, Froggy brings a wheelbarrow to hold all the books he plans to borrow. There are so many to choose from: Dinosaur books! Books about Space Frog! Froggy is so excited that he forgets to use his indoor voice. Still, readers enjoy Froggy's antics, and so does Miss Otterbottom, the librarian. "Come again soon, Froggy," she says.

"Another uproarious adventure. . . Remkiewicz's brightly colored, cartoonish scenes, which depict lots of bouncy action, are a great complement for London's energetic text and irrepressible character. A natural fit for a fun library storytime."--Booklist


This book is part of a book series called Froggy .

This book has been graded for interest at 3-5 years.

There are 32 pages in this book. This book was published 2017 by Penguin USA .

Jonathan London is the author of more than 70 books for children. He lives in Northern California.

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