Understanding Animal Farm: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents | TheBookSeekers

Understanding Animal Farm: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents

The Greenwood Press Literature in Context

No. of pages 256

Great for age 11-18 years

Animal Farm is a political allegory of the history of the USSR written in the form of a fable. Its stinging moral warning against the abuse of power is forcefully demonstrated in this casebook through a wide variety of historical, political, and literary documents that are directly applicable to the novel. Included are passages from the Soviet press; excerpts from personal memoirs and correspondence; original translations from Russian and East German sources that show the meaning of Animal Farm for those nations' readers; and historical and political sources on Marxism, the Russian Revolution, the Cold War, and Glasnost. Many of these documents have not been available in print before.

Following a literary analysis of Animal Farm, six chapters examine the historical, political, and literary issues raised by the novel. Chapters include selections relating the novel to basic tenets of Marxism, the Russian Revolution and Josef Stalin, the relation of George Orwell's life to the writing of Animal Farm, the Cold War, book reviews of the novel at the time of its publication, the American intellectual climate, and recent responses to the novel in the light of Glasnost and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Each document is preceded by an explanatory introduction, and each chapter concludes with suggested topics for written and oral exploration. This rich source of materials is ideal for interdisciplinary study of the novel.


This book is part of a book series called The Greenwood Press Literature in Context .

This book is aimed at the following children: secondary school , university .

There are 256 pages in this book. This book was published 1999 by ABC-CLIO .

JOHN RODDEN is Adjunct Professor of Speech Communication at the University of Texas at Austin. /e He is the author of The Politics of Literary Reputation (1989), Repainting the Little Red Schoolhouse: A History of Eastern German Education (1999), Lionel Trilling and the Critics (1999), and Conversations with Isabel Allende (1999).

This book has the following chapters: Introduction Literary Analysis of Animal Farm by James Aune Historical Context: Basic Tenets of Marxism by William E. Shanahan III The Russian Revolution and Josef Stalin by Jonathan Rose Biographical Context: George Orwell and the Road to Animal Farm by Denise Weeks Animal Farm and the Early Cold War by John Rodden The 1980s and 1990s: Soviet Glasnost, Third World Communism, and Orwell by John Rodden Animal Farm Themes in Light of Late-Twentieth- Century Public Issues by William E. Shanahan III Glossary Index

This book is in the following series:

The Greenwood Press Literature in Context

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