Francis Drake and the Sea Rovers of the Spanish Main | TheBookSeekers

Francis Drake and the Sea Rovers of the Spanish Main


No. of pages 32

Published: 2009


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Exploring the lives of the infamous pirates of the Spanish Main, this exciting title takes an in-depth look at their swashbuckling adventures on the high seas. Old-world design and photographs will engage children to learn about their daily lives, ships, what their flags meant, and how they communicated. Features: retro design to captivate children; WANTED Profiles for each pirate; and, fascinating facts, written and checked by experts.


This book features in the following series: Pirates, Qed Pirates .

There are 32 pages in this book. This book was published 2009 by QED Publishing .

John Malam is a former editor and the author of nonfiction children's books, including "The Victorians. "

This book has the following chapters: Pirate Attack! p4 Pirates of the Spanish Main: 1550-1600 p6 Privateers and Pirates p8 Treasure Galleons p10 Spanish Treasure Fleets p12 Jean Fleury: Atlantic Raider p14 Doubloons and Pieces of Eight p16 John Hawkins: Slave Trader p18 Privateer Weapons p20 Francis Drake: The Queen's Pirate p22 The Golden Hind p24 Drake's Final Voyage p26 Jean Bontemps: The Fair Weather Man p28 Glossary p30 Index p31

This book is in the following series:


Qed Pirates

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