No. of pages 296
Published: 2019
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The Your Choice Teacher Guide supports schools in planning their PSHE provision, including the implementation of the 2019 curriculum for Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education.
Up to date guidance and PSHE and RSE lesson ideas for the 21st Century - get ready for September 2019!
* Gives non-specialists the confidence and tools to deliver PSHE effectively and saves preparation time with detailed lessons plans and worksheets for every double-page of the Your Choice Student Books 1 to 3.
* Further sources of information and support are provided for each topic.
* Flexible resources which can be tailored to the needs of your students and setting.
* The student book content has been trialled by a team of PSHE teachers and RSE experts.
* Printable PDFs and customisable Word files are available to download from
This book is part of a book series called The Your Choice .
This book is aimed at children in secondary school.
There are 296 pages in this book. This book was published 2019 by HarperCollins Publishers .
Kim Richardson is an experienced writer and editor. He has contributed to various other Collins publications. John Foster is Britain's leading author in the field of Citizenship and PSHE.
This book is in the following series: