Confidentially Yours #3: Heather's Crush Catastrophe | TheBookSeekers

Confidentially Yours #3: Heather's Crush Catastrophe

volume 3, Confidentially Yours

No. of pages 288

Published: 2016

Great for age 8-13 years

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Perfect for fans of The Cupcake Diaries and The Babysitters Club, this new series is about four best friends who are confidentially yours when writing their middle school newspaper's advice column. Heather has been distracted from writing the advice column with her friends Brooke, Vanessa, and Tim-and it's all due to her major crush on the dreamy Stefan Marshall. Heather's not sure if Stefan feels the same way. And she wants to make sure he likes her back before she takes the risk and asks him to the upcoming school dance. Heather researches all his favorite things and even sets up a movie outing with the newspaper team to try to get closer to him. But some of her friends don't think Stefan's all that great. In fact they downright don't like him. Heather has to decide if her new crush is worth losing her old friends over, and if liking Stefan will only lead to heartbreak.


This is volume 3 in Confidentially Yours .

There are 288 pages in this book. This book was published 2016 by HarperCollins Publishers Inc .

Jo Whittemore (Texas) lives in Austin, and is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI). She earned a degree in Business from Texas A & M University. However, from the first time she dragged a crayon across her parents' living room wall, writing has been her passion. Visit her website at www. jowhittemore. com Read her blog at http: //jo-no-anne. livejournal. com/

This book is in the following series:

Confidentially Yours

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