Nellie Choc-Ice and the Plastic Island | TheBookSeekers

Nellie Choc-Ice and the Plastic Island


No. of pages 96

Published: 2019


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Nellie Choc-Ice is on her way home to the North Pole at last! But things don't go so smoothly when Captain Beardy-Beard's trusty submarine grinds to a halt in an island of plastic - and they aren't the only ones who are trapped. It's up to Nellie to untangle everyone from the mess ... But what are they going to do about all this plastic in the ocean? A touching and funny Little Gem from an author-illustrator dream team!


There are 96 pages in this book. This book was published 2019 by Barrington Stoke Ltd .

Jeremy Strong is a multi-award winning author of hilarious children's books, and an expert in both making children laugh and engaging them in reading.

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