No. of pages 52
Published: 2017
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There are 52 pages in this book. This book was published 2017 by MacLaren-Cochrane Publishing .
Mark C. Evans was born in Perth, Western Australia but moved quite often during his childhood growing up in several country towns in WA. Later settling back in Perth he went on to study Theatre and Film at Curtin University and Drama Teaching at Edith Cowan University. He also took up formal training in photography and currently runs his own photography business. Mark has spent most of his career as a professional actor performing on TV, film and stage. He also played the role of Captain Starlight at Princess Margaret Children's Hospital which involved entertaining children at the hospital making their stay more enjoyable and less scary. As an actor he toured schools during Book Week performing as characters from children's literature and it was during these tours he discovered the wonderful influence that a great story can have on children. He has been a writer and director of many short comedy films and loves to spread laughter through his words and cheeky, off the wall sense of humor. He lives with his wife and two children in Perth and has a serious addiction for finding new picture books at his locally library so he can read them to his children every night. For as long as he can remember, Steve has had a pencil in his hand. With this love of drawing it was only natural that he would follow a career in the arts. After many successful years as a graphic designer, working for a variety of publishing companies, he decided to follow his heart and do what he loves most - create weird and wacky characters. When he is not drawing, which isn't very often, Steve likes to volunteer his time at his local primary school, where he encourages young minds to explore their creativity through drawing and painting. He's an animated movie fan and hopes that maybe one day one of his characters will play a leading role. Born in the UK, he now lives in Australia with his family and an assortment of characters who are waiting in the wings to be brought to life on paper. stevepage. carbonmade. com