No. of pages 12
Published: 2005
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The 10 well-known themes in this collection of music by the great Romantic composers are ideal solo repertoire for competent and improving recorder players.
The 10 well-known themes in this collection of music by the great Romantic composers are ideal solo repertoire for competent and improving recorder players. The comprehensive pack contains
solo part;
piano accompaniment insert;
playalong CD backing tracks at practice and performance speeds, and exemplary recorder performances
These are not tunes for complete beginners - but they will give competent improvers something to stretch their abilities, and 'solo stars' will be able to impress themselves and their listeners with the more flamboyant items.
This great value pack includes music by Johann Strauss, Offenbach, Brahms, Chopin and Tchaikovsky.
This book is part of a book series called Recorder Magic .
There are 12 pages in this book. This book was published 2005 by HarperCollins Publishers .
Jane Sebba is a contributor and author of many A & C Black music Jane Sebba is one of the authors of Recorder Magic, the most popular new recorder series for descant beginners. Missak Takoushian is a composer, professional musician and arranger.
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