Tank Attack | TheBookSeekers

Tank Attack

number 1, Warpath Series

No. of pages 144

Published: 1999


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Based on real-life war events, this book tells the story of the desert campaign in Africa, culminating in the turning point of El Alamein, from the perspective of a young soldier. The story is supplemented by an introduction with maps, kit lists, illustrations, a centre section with actual photographs, and an epilogue with the final map positions, fatalities and a note on the significance of the battle.


This is number 1 in Warpath Series .

There are 144 pages in this book. This book was published 1999 by Penguin Books Ltd .

Jim Eldridge has seen action all over the world. A former member of sabotage and SAR (Search and Rescue) teams, he now lives under an assumed name somewhere in the UK.

This book is in the following series:

Warpath Series

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