Jungle War: SAS | TheBookSeekers

Jungle War: SAS

No. of pages 160

Published: 2004


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Based on real events, Jungle War tells the story of the SAS Malaya campaign of 1958 as SAS D Squadron battle the jungle to find and capture dangerous terrorists. Follow one soldier's story and feel a part of an elite team as they do battle in leech-infested swamps and sweltering conditions. As with the Warpath series, Eldridge brings the action alive. The Bookseller says of the Warpath series, Stuffed with facts and specifications to delight the technically minded. Great for readers who like true stories.' Placed within an historical context, these part fact, part fiction adventures of the SAS also contain fascinating information such as maps and equipment used, and provides an informative summing up of actual events.


There are 160 pages in this book. This book was published 2004 by Penguin Books Ltd .

Jim Eldridge has seen action all over the world. A former member of sabotage and SAR (Search and Rescue) teams, he now lives under an assumed name somewhere in the UK.

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