No. of pages 32
Published: 2016
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Congratulations! You now have a baby in your family. Follow our top tips and you' ll all be very happy. Don' t lend your baby to a kangaroo, plant your baby in the garden, or take to school with you - and definitely don' t send your baby to play with an elephant!
DO cuddle your baby, read to your baby, sing to your baby and give your baby lots and lots of love.
This book is part of a book series called 15 Things Not To Do .
This book has been graded for interest at 3-6 years.
There are 32 pages in this book. This book was published 2016 by Frances Lincoln Publishers Ltd .
Margi McAllister has written a number of children's novels including The Mistmantle Chronicles and The Life Shop Holly Sterling graduated from the University of Sunderland with a first class honours degree in Illustration and Design in 2009. She worked at a design company in the North East of England and is currently studying for a Master of Fine Art (MFA) in Illustration at Edinburgh College of Art. Illustration Awards: 1st Prize - Seven Stories Illustration for Poetry Competition, 2009; Academy Prize Winner - University of Sunderland, 2009
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