No. of pages 264
Published: 2019
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From Emmy Award-winning actor Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver comes a new out-of-this-world middle-grade series
No one is shocked by the six-eyed alien strolling around the Universal back lot. The tourists just think he's part of the show. It doesn't take long for Buddy to land a role on a popular TV show, playing (of course) an alien. He becomes an overnight heartthrob and is suddenly faced with legions of adoring fans, rides in glamorous limos, and appearances at "all-the-shrimp-you-can-eat" red carpet parties. But can Buddy maintain his secret identity while in the spotlight?
There are 264 pages in this book. This book was published 2019 by Abrams .
Henry Winkler (aka 'The Fonz') is co-author of the hugely popular Hank Zipzter series, based on his own experiences of dyslexia. Lin Oliver is a writer and producer of movies, books and television programmes for children. She lives in Los Angeles, USA, with her husband, Alan, and their three children.