No. of pages 440
Published: 2007
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It is big and bright with lots of page-turning learning about the Word of God.
The Read and Share Bible is unique in its format and solid in Bible teaching. Packed with 200 stories that are simple re-tellings, the gigantic message of God's love and care is sure to win the hearts of little ones and give them a strong Bible foundation to guide their lives. With over 400 pieces of art, this Bible Storybook is highly interactive as it encourages Scripture Memory and reinforces comprehension with quick activities for you and your children.
Stories include Noah, David, Joseph, Abraham, Paul, and Christ as well as many other timeless Biblical characters and lessons.
This book is part of a book series called Read And Share .
This book has been graded for interest at 4-8 years.
There are 440 pages in this book. This book was published 2007 by Thomas Nelson .
Well known Children's Author Gwen Ellis retells stories based on the 'International Children's Bible' translation.
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