Naughty Naughty Monster | TheBookSeekers

Naughty Naughty Monster


No. of pages 32

Published: 2016

Great for age 3-6 years

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I'M A NAUGHTY NAUGHTY MONSTER! ARE YOU READY? HERE I COME! I AM HUNGRY FOR MY DINNER AND I WANT YOU IN MY TUM! The Naughty Naughty Monster is looking for for a tasty meal to fill his monstrous belly. He rampages through woodland, farm and town, scaring all of the happy little animals that he thinks could make a good snack, but he runs into a fairy who is NOT happy with him at all! Will Naughty Naughty Monster learn his lesson and change his naughty ways? Kaye Umansky has written over 130 books for children and her work ranges from picture books to novels. She is best known for the Pongwiffy series. Greg Abbott is a talented new illustrator. Naughty, Naughty Monster is his first picture book.


There are 32 pages in this book. This is a picture book. A picture book uses pictures and text to tell the story. The number of words varies from zero ('wordless') to around 1k over 32 pages. Picture books are typically aimed at young readers (age 3-6) but can also be aimed at older children (7+). This book was published 2016 by Templar Publishing .

Greg Abbott is an illustrator and designer who lives in West Sussex, England. In addition to children's books, he has created art prints, apparel, toys, greetings cards, and other merchandise. Visit him on Tumblr at gregabbott. tumblr. com. Kaye Umansky is very well known for her PONGWIFFY stories (Puffin) and other

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