No. of pages 48
Published: 2010
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This book is part of a book series called Your Money .
There are 48 pages in this book. This book was published 2010 by Hachette Children's Group .
Paul Mason is an experienced freelance writer and editor of a variety of children's information books. The artist, Mike Gordon, specialises in humorous illustrations and has won several awards for his work. He is based in Santa Barbara in California. Paul Harrison is a UK-based writer and editor of fiction and nonfiction books for children.
This book has the following chapters: p1 Title page p2-3 Imprint and contents p4-5 It's not Love, it's Money! p6-7 Why do we need Money? p8-11 Are you a Spender or a Saver? p12-13 Getting Started: What's in your Pocket? p14-15 Making a Budget p16-17 Be a Savvy Spender! p18-19 Save it! p20-23 Bank it! p24-25 Should I Borrow? p26-27 The Loan Sharks p28-29 Credit Cards: Money Munchers p30-31 Spending the Future p32-33 Be a Debt Buster! p34-35 Grow Your Money: A Capital Idea p36-37 Risk and Reward p38-39 How to invest in Stocks and Shares p40-41 What it takes to invest in Property p42-43 Retiring early AND be Rich! p44-45 Money Doesn't Grow on Trees, but. p46-47 Glossary and Further information (books and websites) p48 Index
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