WJEC/Eduqas GCSE Drama | TheBookSeekers

WJEC/Eduqas GCSE Drama

Published: 2016

Great for age 11-18 years

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Written by an experienced senior examiner and teacher, and endorsed by WJEC/Eduqas, this vibrant student book provides invaluable support in an accessible and engaging style for all three components of the new specification, including: All aspects of devising and performing and on rehearsal techniques. / Creating a portfolio of supporting evidence and on choosing suitable extracts from a text. / Evaluating and helping improve students' own devised performance. / Understanding key theatre practitioners and genres, with suggested practical activities / Focused introductions to the set plays. / Support and advice for technical students who choose set, lighting or sound design.


This book is aimed at children in secondary school.

This book was published 2016 by Illuminate Publishing .

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