No. of pages 32
Published: 2015
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There are 32 pages in this book. This book was published 2015 by National Geographic Society .
JILL ESBAUM is the author of several picture books, including Ste-e-e-e-eamboat a-Comin'!, illustrated by Adam Rex. She lives on a farm in Dixon, Iowa. Frans Lanting is a Dutch nature photographer specializing in wildlife photography. Lanting works in many different parts of the world, including Amazonia, Africa, and Antarctica. His photographs are regularly published in National Geographic , for which he is a photographer-in-residence. He is also featured in Outdoor Photographer, Audobon, and Life. Lanting lives in Santa Cruz, California, with his wife, Christine Eckstrom, who works with him on joint books of nature photography. Please visit him at lanting. com. Jennifer Barry is an award-winning graphic designer who has designed and art directed hundreds of illustrated books, as well as co-authored over a dozen books. She works out of Fairfax, California. Please visit her at jenniferbarrydesign. com .