No. of pages 14
Published: 2004
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This book features in the following series: Look And Say, Usborne Look And Say .
There are 14 pages in this book. This book was published 2004 by Usborne Publishing Ltd .
Mike Nicholson won the Kelpies Prize for new Scottish children's fiction in 2005. He is the author of two other Picture Kelpies, Thistle Street and Thistle Sands, and two stories for children aged 7 and up, Catscape and Grimm. Mike lives in Edinburgh, Scotland. Jo Litchfield is a professional illustrator and designer who works from her studio in Derbyshire, England. She studied Graphic Design at Derby University before working as a designer and illustrator for Usborne Publishing. She uses model-making, digital techniques and photography in her work, and has illustrated many children's books.