Felicity Wishes: Decorating Disaster and Other Stories | TheBookSeekers

Felicity Wishes: Decorating Disaster and Other Stories

Felicity Wishes

Published: 2005


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Felicity Wishes has lots of adventures -- and three fantastic friends to share them with! Whether she's re-decorating her room, getting a new wand, writing for the school newspaper or trying to win the final race at sports day - Felicity is a fairy who knows how to enjoy herself! Decorating Disaster Wand Wishes Newspaper Nerves Sporting Stars


This book is part of a book series called Felicity Wishes .

This book was published 2005 by Hachette Children's Group .

Emma Thomson is the author of "Dandelion's Christmas," the Felicity Wishes series, and "Isabella's Toybox. "

This book is in the following series:

Felicity Wishes

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