Singing Maths | TheBookSeekers

Singing Maths

Singing Subjects

, ,

No. of pages 64

Published: 2011

Great for age 7-18 years

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Singing Maths is a
user-friendly songbook and CD designed to support maths teaching.

Singing Maths is a user-friendly songbook and CD designed to support maths teaching and enrich young children's experience of numeracy in a fun and engaging way.

The songs and activities introduce key numeracy concepts such as counting, sequences, shape, space and measure, handling data and algebra. The songs are written in an exciting, modern style on subjects that interest children. Each song or chant is accompanied by a set of activities and ideas for further development.

No music reading is required and the pack includes a CD with sample performances.


This book is part of a book series called Singing Subjects .

This book is aimed at children in primary school.

There are 64 pages in this book. This book was published 2011 by HarperCollins Publishers .

Kaye Umansky is the much-published and popular children's writer and author of several music titles for A&C Black. Helen MacGregor, co-author of Music Express, is Music Adviser for Kent. Stephen Chadwick (consultant) is author of Developing Music Skills and three Roald Dahl musicals, BAFTA award-winning composer, educationalist and studio sound engineer.

This book is in the following series:

Singing Subjects

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