New House at the Chalet School | TheBookSeekers

New House at the Chalet School

book 11, Chalet School

Joey Bettany's last term at the Chalet School proves to be an unforgettable one. First, there is the opening of the new house and a bitter quarrel with its new matron. Then the naughty Middles play a midnight hoax that backfires. There's a wild storm and a glorious picnic party before the term finally ends with an hilarious concert given by the newly formed and quite umusical St Clare's Orchestra.


This is book 11 in Chalet School .

This book was published 2008 by Girls Gone By .

For Elinor M. Brent-Dyer to create a series of 58 books required much organisation and writing in notebooks; it is from these latter that Helen McClelland found the sketched-out details for Visitors for the Chalet School and expanded it into this book, initially for her family. Helen is a musician by profession and a lifelong Brent-Dyer enthusiast.

This book is in the following series:

Chalet School

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