No. of pages 176
Published: 2000
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This book was recognised by the Parents' Choice Award.
This book is part of a book series called Black Stars .
There are 176 pages in this book. This is a reference book. This book was published 2000 by John Wiley and Sons Ltd .
ELEANORA E. TATE is a children's book author who has won numerous awards, including a CBC/NCSS Notable Childrens Trade Book in the field of social studies for Thank You, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ! and a Parent's Choice Gold Seal Award for The Secret of Gumbo Grove. JIM HASKINS has written more than 100 nonfiction books for young readers. A professor of English at the University of Florida, Gainesville, Haskins has won numerous awards, including the Washington Post Childrens Book Guild Award.
This book has the following chapters: THE EARLY YEARS; Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield; Edmund Dede; THE CIVIL WAR YEARS AND RECONSTRUCTION; Thomas "Blind Tom" Greene Bethune; Millie-Christine McCoy; INTO THE NEW CENTURY; Scott Joplin; W. C. Handy; Gertrude "Ma" Rainey; Eubie Blake and Noble Sissle; Francis Hall Johnson; Bessie Smith; Marian Anderson; Paul Robeson; Duke Ellington; Thomas Andrew Dorsey; THE MODERN YEARS; Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong; Mahalia Jackson; Ella Fitzgerald; B. B. King; Chuck Berry; Ray Charles; James Brown; Doug and Frankie Quimby; Aretha Franklin; Jessye Norman; Stevie Wonder; Michael Jackson; Queen Latifah; Chronology; Notes; Bibliography; Picture Credits; Index
This book is in the following series:
This book has been nominated for the following award:
Parents' Choice Award
This book was recognised by the Parents' Choice Award.