What Riley Wore | TheBookSeekers

What Riley Wore


No. of pages 40

Published: 2019

Great for age 0-9 years

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Gender-creative Riley knows just what to wear for every occasion during a busy week with family and friends in this sweet and timely picture book from Elana K. Arnold and Linda Davick.

Riley wears whatever clothes feel right each day. On Monday, Riley feels shy and wears a bunny costume to school. On Tuesday, a scary trip to the dentist calls for a super hero cape. For a trip out with Otto and Oma, a ball gown is the perfect outfit.

This charming picture book is a gentle exploration of self-expression and source of encouragement for being true to oneself despite the expectations of others.


This book has been graded for interest at 4+ years.

There are 40 pages in this book. This book was published 2019 by Simon & Schuster .

Elana K. Arnold is the author of several books for young readers and teenagers. She lives in California with her husband, two children, and a menagerie of animals. Linda Davick is the illustrator of several picture books, including the New York Times bestseller 10 Trick-or-Treaters written by Janet Schulman; and We Love You, Rosie! by Cynthia Rylant; as well as her own Say Hello! and I Love You, Nose! I Love You, Toes! . She is also the author and illustrator of the Mimi's World chapter book series. She lives in San Francisco in a one-hundred-year-old house by the sea.

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