Skills Skills for Literacy 5 | TheBookSeekers

Skills Skills for Literacy 5

volume 5, Skills For Literacy


No. of pages 40

Published: 2018


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This is the part of a new series from Lawler Education to support teachers of literacy. This important area of teaching and learning is one that often causes teachers, particularly less experienced teachers stress in organising positive learning experiences for students. That is why this set of books are an important contribution to supporting teachers. Made up of a set of lesson plans and worksheets that can be used with students, this book will develop understanding through word level and sentence level work.


This is volume 5 in Skills For Literacy .

There are 40 pages in this book. This book was published 2018 by GLMP Ltd .

Edward Derry is a former teacher who no writes full time and creates woinderfully inspiring educational resources Dr Susan Young is an academic and writer from the North West of the UK. She has over thirty years experience in teaching and holds a Ph. D from a Russell group university.

This book has the following chapters: This book covers: the formation of nouns using a range of prefixes ( eg super, anti, auto) the use of the forms a or an according to whether the next word begins with a vowel or a consonant. word families based on common words showing how words are related in form and meaning ( eg solve, solution, solver, dissolve, insoluble). how to express time, place and cause using conjunctions, ( eg when , before, after, while, so because). adverbs ( eg then, next, soon, therefore) or prepositions (before, after, during, in, because, of)

This book is in the following series:

Skills For Literacy

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