volume 2, Skills For Literacy
No. of pages 40
Published: 2018
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This is volume 2 in Skills For Literacy .
. This reading book uses the phonics method. This approach concentrates on teaching children how to map between sounds and spellings, allowing them to decode written words into their constituent sounds. Phonics skill thus involves being able to split the written word 'cat' into the phonemes /k/, /a/, /t/, and to map from letter 'c' to phoneme /k/, from letter 'a' to phoneme /ae/ and from letter 't' to phoneme /t/. Decoding skill is useful when reading unfamiliar words which use regular spelling sequences.
There are 40 pages in this book. This book was published 2018 by GLMP Ltd .
Edward Derry is a former teacher who no writes full time and creates woinderfully inspiring educational resources Dr Susan Young is an academic and writer from the North West of the UK. She has over thirty years experience in teaching and holds a Ph. D from a Russell group university.
This book has the following chapters: This book covers: the formation of nouns using suffixes like -ness, -er and by compounding eg superman, whiteboard. the formation of adjectives using suffixes such as -ful, -less. the use of suffixes, -er, est in adjectives (e. g. faster, fastest) and the use of -ly to turn adjectives into adverbs such as bad and badly, slow and slowly, careful. subordination, using when, if, that because and co-ordination using or and but. expanding noun phrases for description and specification eg the blue butterfly, self-raising flour, the big tractor. how grammatical patterns in a sentence indicate its function as a statement, question, exclamation or command.
This book is in the following series: