Reading Labels | TheBookSeekers

Reading Labels

No. of pages 40

Published: 2019

Great for age 12-18 years

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A teacher has specifically asked for this book for her special needs teenagers and we were happy to oblige. This book is a series of lessons, which draws on basic literacy and numeracy and helps young people to understand what the label means. There is evidence of young people not understanding common statements like those found on medicines saying ` take 2, three times daily'[. That is why this book is so important. This book will also cover quantities of ingredients in packaged foods and show how they are deliberately misleading and best buys in supermarkets that are not always what they seem. This book will be of interest to primary, prep, secondary, academy, free schools and FE skills for life teachers.


There are 40 pages in this book. This book was published 2019 by GLMP Ltd .

Edward Derry is a former teacher who no writes full time and creates woinderfully inspiring educational resources

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