No. of pages 8
Published: 2014
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There are 8 pages in this book. This book was published 2014 by Authentic Media .
Bob Hartman is a performance storyteller par excellence. He has been entertaining audiences on both sides of the Atlantic for over 15 years with his books and performances, which bring together retellings of Bible stories and traditional tales from around the world with his own imaginative stories. His books are full of humour and insight, whilst his storytelling sessions are exciting, engaging, dynamic - and above all, interactive! He is wellknown for his hugely popular Lion Storyteller books, the Telling the Bible series and the highly acclaimed picture books The Wolf Who Cried Boy, Dinner in the Lions' Den and The Three Billy Goats' Stuff. Jacqueline East has been illustrating children's books for over twenty years. Her style is warm, colourful and lively. Su Box, author and compiler of many children's books for a range of publishers. For Lion these include You Are Very Special, The First Rainbow and The Lion Book of First Prayers.