They Call Me Fat Zoe: Helping Children and Families Overcome Obesity | TheBookSeekers

They Call Me Fat Zoe: Helping Children and Families Overcome Obesity

, ,

No. of pages 48

Published: 2012


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There are 48 pages in this book. This book was published 2012 by New Horizon Press .

Dr. Don Martin has been a licensed psychologist in private practice for over twenty-five years. He received his Master's Degree from Radford University in VA and his Ph. D. from North Texas State University, TX. He is the coordinator of the school counseling graduate program at Youngstown State University in OH and a fellow of the American Psychotherapy Association. Dr. Magy Martin is a clinical psychologist in private practice and with her husband Don, has written over sixty research articles and four books. She received her Ed. D. from the University of Tulsa, OK and her Masters Degree from Colorado state University, CO. She resides with her husband Don in Beaver, PA. Dr. Paige Krabill has been a licensed school psychologist and director of special education services for several school districts. She is on the faculty of Cappella University in Minneapolis, MN. Dr. Krabill holds a Psy. D. from Miami Institute of Psychology. She lives in Minneapolis, MN.

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