Attack on America: 11 September 2001 | TheBookSeekers

Attack on America: 11 September 2001

Dates with History

No. of pages 32

Great for age 7-18 years
Attack on America: 11 September 2001 (Dates with History)


This book is part of a book series called Dates With History .

There are 32 pages in this book. This is an encyclopedia. An encyclopedia is a book or numbered set of books containing authoritative summary information about a variety of topics in the form of short essays, usually arranged alphabetically by headword or classified in some manner. An entry may be signed or unsigned, with or without illustration or a list of references for further reading. Headwords and text are usually revised periodically for publication in a new edition. In a multivolume encyclopedia, any indexes are usually located at the end of the last volume. Encyclopedias may be general (example: Encyclopedia Americana) or specialized, usually by subject (Encyclopedia of Bad Taste) or discipline (Encyclopedia of Social Work). This book was published 2003 by Evans Publishing Group .

Brian Williams is an editor and the author of many childrens books. He is the coauthor of "Amazing Animal Families. "

This book is in the following series:

Dates with History
This series explores key dates in history; what happened on the day and the background and consequences of the event. Each title tells the story in a crisp, fast-paced style and colour and black and white photos, map and timeline support the text. The books are perfect quick-read introductions to the dramatic events, and equally useful as high interest/low reading level books.

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