Four Corners: A Trip to the Beach | TheBookSeekers

Four Corners: A Trip to the Beach

4 Corners

No. of pages 8

Published: 2004


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A Trip to the Beach

A family went to the beach. What did they find?

Four Corners

  • The widest cross-curricular coverage including science, history, geography and mathematics themes al clearly linked to the National Curriculum Programmes for Study and the 5-14 Guidelines for Scotland.
  • Visually inspire all readers with unparalleled Dorling Kindersley photography and design.
  • Engage and satisfy the curiosity of all readers with lively writing styles and a broad range of topics and subjects that provides something to interest and motivate every child!
  • Extend teaching imaginatively with speaking and listening, drama and writing activities which are provided in the teaching support for every title.
  • Constructive links to Art, Design and Technology, Music, Citizenship and PSHE are drawn out with practical suggestions for all titles in the teaching support.
  • Easy to use for teachers and teaching assistants with laminated teaching support and activity cards (in every pack of 6) that draw out all NLS links and extension opportunities simply and effectively.
  • Support for parents and homework activities provided in the Teacher's Files.


This book features in the following series: 4 Corners, Four Corners .

. This book is part of a reading scheme, meaning that it is a book aimed at children who are learning to read.

There are 8 pages in this book. This book was published 2004 by Pearson Education Limited .

This book is in the following series:

4 Corners

Four Corners

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