Published: 2019
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Millions of young readers have loved the World's Worst Children tales - now they will revel in this delightfully dreadful collection of the most gruesome grown-ups ever: The World's Worst Teachers. From the phenomenally bestselling David Walliams and illustrated in glorious colour by the artistic genius, Tony Ross.
Think your teachers are bad? Wait till you meet this lot. These ten tales of the world's most splendidly sinister teachers will have you running for the school gates. Dr Dread teaches science and is half man, half monster... Watch out for the ghastly Miss Seethe. She is ALWAYS furious - and she's on a detention rampage. And as for Phobe, he's a teacher with a real difference. He is bone-shakingly terrified of... children!
Millions of children have loved the World's Worst Children - now they will revel in this delightfully dreadful collection of the most gruesome grown-ups ever, The World's Worst Teachers. Brought to you by number one bestselling author, David Walliams, with every story illustrated in glorious colour by artistic genius, Tony Ross.
This is a short story book. This book was published 2019 by HarperCollins Publishers .
David Walliams has become one of the most influential children's writers today. Since the publication of his first novel, The Boy in the Dress (2008), Walliams has seen unprecedented growth with global sales exceeding 32 million copies, and his books translated into 53 languages. https://www. worldofdavidwalliams. com/