The World of David Walliams CD Story Collection: The Boy in the Dress/Mr Stink/Billionaire Boy/Gangsta Granny/Ratburger | TheBookSeekers

The World of David Walliams CD Story Collection: The Boy in the Dress/Mr Stink/Billionaire Boy/Gangsta Granny/Ratburger

Published: 2013


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Five screamingly funny stories from number one bestselling children's author David Walliams, in this big, bumper CD boxset, performed by the King of Comedy himself.

THE BOY IN THE DRESS - Dennis's very ordinary life is about to get a lot more extraordinary. Why? There's a clue in the title of this book...

MR STINK - When Chloe decides to hide a homeless man in her garden shed, she discovers there's more to Mr Stink than meets the nose...

GANGSTA GRANNY - Like most grannies, Ben's has white hair, false teeth... and is an international jewel thief too!

BILLIONAIRE BOY - Joe has a lot of reasons to be happy. About a billion dollar's worth of them, in fact. There's just one thing he doesn't have - a friend...

RATBURGER - Can Zoe keep her beloved pet rat safe from the clutches of dastardly Burt of Burt's Burgers and his dubious burger-making machine?


This book was published 2013 by HarperCollins Publishers .

David Walliams has become one of the most influential children's writers today. Since the publication of his first novel, The Boy in the Dress (2008), Walliams has seen unprecedented growth with global sales exceeding 32 million copies, and his books translated into 53 languages. https://www. worldofdavidwalliams. com/

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