The Legend of Ms. Tutu Larue | TheBookSeekers

The Legend of Ms. Tutu Larue

Published: 2017


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Kendrin and Kaya, siblings with an adventurous streak, and Boomer and Gordie, twins who like to have fun, fly their kites near Pine Tree Lane, a forest where Ghosts, Ghouls, and a Half Man/Half Beast are supposedly believed to inhabit, along with a mean, evil Witch who dips children in chocolate and eats them for a snack! Suddenly they hear the most disgusting, scary, wicked cackle, and a mad wind blows their kites off course, sending the kites directly into the forest. Scared, but eager to get their kites back, the children walk into Pine Tree Lane and make a bewitching discovery! Do the children get dipped in chocolate and become a witch's snack?


This book was published 2017 by Lulu. com .

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