Young Annabel lives in the 1950s and dreams of a future with jetpacks, flying cars and robots. However, little does she know that she is living under an evil spell that could mean she has no future at all...
When the curse is fulfilled on her 16th birthday and she falls asleep for 1000 years, her house is overgrown by a magnificent rose tree. A plucky young explorer called Zoe discovers the story of Sleeping Beauty, but can she find Annabel in time to lift the curse and show her what the future actually looks like?
Packed with mid-century detail, this gorgeous book will be treasured for years to come.
There are 32 pages in this book. This is a picture book. A picture book uses pictures and text to tell the story. The number of words varies from zero ('wordless') to around 1k over 32 pages. Picture books are typically aimed at young readers (age 3-6) but can also be aimed at older children (7+). This book was published 2017 by Pavilion Books .
David Roberts was born in Liverpool. He studied fashion before moving to Hong Kong to work as a fashion illustrator. Since returning to the UK, he has illustrated numerous books, and his titles include the Dirty Bertie series, Tyrannosaurus Drip (with Juila Donaldson) and many books with Philip Ardagh. David now lives and works in London where, when not drawing, he likes to make hats. Lynn Roberts has worked with children's literature for many years - both as a specialist in book shops and as a writer. Lynn is David's sister and she is the author of the previous fairy tale books: Cinderella, Rapunzel and Little Red. David Roberts was born in Liverpool. He studied fashion and worked in the industry for several years before going on to illustrate children's books. He has also published Dirty Bertie with Little Tiger Press.
This book contains the following story:
Sleeping Beauty
After a curse is placed upon her as a baby, a princess pricks her finger on a spinning wheel and falls into a deep sleep on her sixteenth birthday. One hundred years later, a handsome prince rides past the forgotten palace. He must undo the curse and finally awaken the princess.