With a Whiteboard Resources CD-ROM and a Pupil Assessment CD-ROM, the user-friendly "Impact English ICT Packs" will simplify your delivery of ICT so you won't have to worry about integrating ICT into your lessons again. "The Impact English ICT Packs": enable you to integrate ICT into your everyday teaching by providing easy-to-use whiteboard resources and ICT activities for individual work; support assessment for learning by allowing you to easily track your pupils' progress using linked Assessment software; bring texts alive by encouraging your pupils to explore the grammar and typical features of the texts; offer challenges to all your pupils with highly motivating activities with instant on-screen user feedback; and provide opportunities for modelling writing techniques with the whole class or independently. This Network Licence gives you permission to load the software onto your network, allowing multiple users to access it. Without purchasing a Network Licence you can only use the software on a single PC in your school. Please note that purchase of the Network Licence must accompany purchase of the single CD-ROM. No CD-ROM is provided with the Network Licence.
This book is part of a book series called Impact English .
This book was published 2005 by HarperCollins Publishers .