Ali and Annie's Guides Pack A of 6 | TheBookSeekers

Ali and Annie's Guides Pack A of 6

Young Explorer-Ali and Annies Guides


No. of pages 192

Published: 2019


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This excellent series gives practical and sensible advice to young readers on real-life issues that they or their friends and family members might be facing. Tackling tough topics, the series aims to help children cope with potentially difficult circumstances as well as flourish. Characters Ali and Annie guide readers through the issues in each book and give advice and 'top tips', while Charlie the dog shows that he understands how readers might feel.


This book is part of a book series called Young Explorer-Ali And Annies Guides .

There are 192 pages in this book. This book was published 2019 by Capstone Global Library Ltd .

Claire Throp loves sea mammals and spent far too long looking at them while supposedly doing research for this book! She has written children's nonfiction on subjects ranging from countries to sports to. She lives just outside Oxford, England. Jilly Hunt has over 15 years experience of educational publishing. Formerly an editor for Pearson, Jilly is now a freelance children's writer and editor. She has written more than 15 non-fiction books for children and young adults. She graduated from Oxford Brookes University with BA Honours in Publishing and History of Art. She now lives in Oxfordshire with her husband two small children.

This book is in the following series:

Young Explorer-Ali and Annies Guides

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