My First Ladybird Words and Pictures | TheBookSeekers

My First Ladybird Words and Pictures


No. of pages 48

Published: 2012


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This colourful first picture dictionary contains over 300 everyday words and pictures, perfect for growing preschool children's vocabulary and helping them develop the skills needed for first reading. Each page is a differently themed scene, from kitchen and bathroom to town and park, with words placed next to clear images to help with word recognition. It also contains a useful index to help find individual words.


There are 48 pages in this book. It is a dictionary. A dictionary is a single-volume or multivolume reference work containing brief explanatory entries for terms and topics related to a specific subject or field of inquiry, usually arranged alphabetically (example: Dictionary of Neuropsychology). The entries in a dictionary are usually shorter than those contained in an encyclopedia on the same subject, but the word "dictionary" is often used in the titles of works that should more appropriately be called encyclopedias (example: Dictionary of the Middle Ages in 13 volumes). This book was published 2012 by Penguin Books Ltd .

Puffin Books is the children's imprint of British publishers Penguin Books. Since the 1960s it has been among the largest publishers of children's books in the UK and much of the English-speaking world.

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