No. of pages 192
Published: 1994
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This book is part of a book series called New Windmills Collection Ks3 .
This book is suitable for Key Stage 3. KS3 covers school years 7, 8 and 9, and ages 12-14 years. A key stage is any of the fixed stages into which the national curriculum is divided, each having its own prescribed course of study. At the end of each stage, pupils are required to complete standard assessment tasks.
There are 192 pages in this book. This is a short story book. This book was published 1994 by Pearson Education Limited .
This book has the following chapters:
Three Hours Between Planes - F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Objet d'Art - Anton Chekhov
The Mahogany Table - Sylvia Townsend Warner
The Kiss - Kate Chopin
Hills Like White Elephants - Ernest Hemmingway
The Fly-paper - Elizabeth Taylor
Pictures - Katherine Mansfield
Looking for a Rain God - Bessie Head
Turned - Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Strike-pay - D. H. Lawrence
The Winters and the Palmleys - Thomas Hardy
The Biter Bit - Wilkie Collins
The Canterville Ghost - Oscar Wilde
I Used to Live Here Once - Jean Rhys
The Hollow of the Three Hills - Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Murderer - Colette
A Little Place off the Edgeware Road - Graham Greene
Eveline - James Joyce
Snap-dragons - Janet Frame
This book is in the following series: